Is that tree in your driveway covering your car? Are you worried about a tree falling onto your house? Do your trees look sick?
Here at Tucson Professional Landscaping, we have a certified arborist on staff. When it comes to trees, we know how to care for them. We’ll help you save your trees from disease and your home from any damage those trees may cause.
Restorative Pruning
During monsoon season, your trees can take quite the beating especially with high winds and heavy rains. To restore your tree after sustaining damage, restorative pruning may be the solution. It involves remove damaged or broken branches while at the same time trying to restore proper structure with the branches that remain.
Vista Pruning
Your home once had a beautiful view, but your trees are starting to get in the way. You wish you could see those beautiful mountains again. Say no more. Our team is experienced in vista pruning. Depending on the amount of trees you have and the scale of the view you want, Vista pruning is simply thinning through the canopy to restore the view you once had.
Crown Reduction
Crown reduction involves pruning the upper portions of the trees. This still keeps your trees fairly tall but allows you to see over the tops of those trees. This method will help you highlight your view, while still keeping your trees tall and proud. So if you’re looking to keep your trees tall but want your old view, crown reduction is the right fit for you. This option is only available to a small selection of trees.
Tree Thinning
Thinning is the more common method in vista pruning. It allows for more air and light to pass through, helping to prevent wind damage. It also is a wonderful method for keeping your trees healthy. This method of pruning allows your trees to maintain a steady growth cycle.
Corrective Pruning
Sometimes trees grow in strange areas. One side of the tree may be growing with amazing speed while the other is creeping along at a snail’s pace. In some cases, branches may be growing at strange angles or in odd twisting fashions. If that does happen to your trees, it’s time for some corrective pruning. As the name suggests, corrective pruning is a method of pruning that helps in correcting the growth of your trees. This may seem like a purely aesthetically pleasing form of pruning but it does help your trees in their growth cycles. Corrective pruning helps your trees to grow in ways that fortify your tree’s strength. So if your tree is starting to look like a prop out of a Tim Burton film, corrective pruning is the best method to take.
*All tree services are performed from ground level. We do not use lifts and we do not have tree climbers. Anything of this nature is referred to other companies.
Where are the irrigation drip heads positioned? Drip heads should be placed at the outer canopy to encourage the roots to grow stronger and further away. This results in a wider, stronger base, providing much more stability during wind storms.
What are you trying to achieve when watering your plants? The real objective is to water your trees to a depth of 24″-36″ (typical tree root zone depth). For most trees that utilize drip heads, a watering schedule of 5-7 days per week for 30-45 minutes will not achieve this. Desert adapted trees can be watered as infrequent as every 7-21 days. It is the size and quantity of drip heads that influence how long it takes for each watering to percolate through the soil to reach the entire root zone. One method of determining if your tree has a weak root system is to grab its trunk (at normal shoulder height) and try moving the tree back and forth. If you notice the ground at the base of the trunk moving, this is an indication that your tree has not developed a strong root system.
How does your tree look? Is it heavier on one side (out of balance)? How dense is the canopy? When you try looking upward through your tree, do you see a multitude of dense, intertwined branches with very little light passing through? Are there any branches that are so heavy that they are being weighed down? If any one of these conditions applies, your tree can be susceptible to being blown over. Keep in mind however that you should have no more than approximately 25% of the tree removed at one time. If the tree is over pruned, it can expose the trunk and branches to sun burn.
Many of the desert adapted trees can be pruned as infrequent as twice yearly if done properly. If you need the assistance of a professional, be sure to ask for proof of liability insurance (in case a falling limb causes damage to your house or fence) as well as workman’s compensation that protects your property from being liable if a worker is injured.
Have more questions? Call us today and we can discuss your unique needs.
Why Should I Hire a Certified Arborist?
What are the Benefits of Trees?
What is Topping and Why Does it Hurts Trees?
Insect & Disease Problems